Make sure you have cash on hand to act quickly on a good deal!
Emmanuel and Julie were looking for an attractive rental property to invest the equity they had accumulated over the years on their home. Several criteria guided their search: they wanted one near their residence that was in good condition, well maintained, and, above all, profitable. Ideally, they would have preferred to have additional funds on hand to maintain and repair the property, which would increase its investment potential. They were ready for a lengthy search because there were few opportunities in their targeted neighbourhood. All in all, it seemed to be more of a dream than a reality!
Then, totally by chance, they found their dream opportunity one Sunday: a choice building for sale in the neighbourhood where they wanted to invest! They lost no time in visiting it and their excitement grew: this was the building they had to have! However, they did not have sufficient funds to act on their desire immediately. It didn’t take time before they missed out on this opportunity.
If you (or someone close to you) want to invest, if you want to put your capital to work, contact us. We will do everything we can to help you find the resources you need to help you act as rapidly as possible.
Let’s get together and see what we can do!