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Ms Zhukelu


I hope all is well! I just completed welcome call with Ms Zhuleku for her M1 product! On our welcome calls we always ask on a scale from 1 to 10 how would you rate their services and Blerina right away said 11! She said that she was fantastic! She has known her for many years even before she changed institutions, and she has stayed in contact with her ever since! She listens to the customer needs and gives excellent customer service!

Jennifer Antonopillai


Hello France I wanted to thank you for your patience and all that you did to make my property transfer. I really appreciate your effort and understanding Best regards Jennifer Antonipillai.

Karina Monzon


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? The quick response Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Overall excellent service and suggestions. On hand and tailored approach. I will recomend her to friends. Your Name Karina Monzon

Khaushik Rana


We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? France is very honest and trustworthy and very quick in giving us replies/answers to our emails/ phone calls with solutions. She is very well experienced and always gives good advice. I will definitely recommend her to anyone we come across who is looking for a mortgage. France does recommend us to an insurance agent and their service is great as well per our expectations. She has a good connection with all your needs in Financing, Mortgage, investment etc. Thank you very much :-) Your Name Kaushik Rana

Suregini Thuairajah


How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? I have previous experience in dealing with a mortgage broker, Real estate agent reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Fast and accurate service In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? nothing Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Yes I will recommend Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? no We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? yes Your Name Suregini Thuairajah

Ravichendra Markandu


How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Real estate agent reference, I have previous experience in dealing with a mortgage broker Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Fast and accurate response In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Nothing Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Excellent service Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? Yes Your Name Ravichandra Markandu



France Pennino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? Référence d’un ami ou d'une connaissance Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? Notre agente était toujours présente pour répondre à nos questions et elle était très active Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? Rien, elle était parfaite Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Non, pas de recommandation Nous aimerions recueillir votre témoignage quant à votre expérience avec votre courtier, afin de l'ajouter sur son site web, accepteriez-vous de partager avec nous votre sentiment en quelques lignes? Nous avons apprécié de faire affaire avec mme Pennino, elle est la meilleure! Votre nom? Rouba

Karen Daly


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? France’s availability and understanding of my concerns. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? It was excellent service! Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? N.A. Your Name Karen Daly



Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? France Pennino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? J’ai déjà transigé avec ce courtier dans le passé Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? Reponses claires et rapides répondant à mes besoins Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? Continuer au même niveau d'excellence et diligence Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Notaire Pouvez-vous nous donner vos impressions sur le ou les partenaires qui vous ont été recommandés par votre courtier? Bon service. Rapide et moins cher que mon précédent notaire

Ajitha Wignarajah


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Real estate agent reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Dedication sincerely In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? No comments Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment No comments Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Notary We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? Yes Your Name Ajitha wignarajah



Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Real estate agent reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? She’s very talented and intelligent In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? No comments Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment No comment Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Notary We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? Yes Your Name Kogulatharsan

Reem AlKayssi


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Continuous follow ups and accurate information about market In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? We were delayed due to lack of available notaries. Is it possible to add to your services? Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment France offered excellent and friendly service, I would recommend her in a heart beat. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Yes, another notary was referred but had no availability to take on our file. Your Name REEM AlKayssi

Pradeep Nanjappa


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) Ms. France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Real estate agent reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Ms. France is very knowledgeable and willingly shares her expertise. She is clear about what are the facts and provides her opinion when requested. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Please keep doing what you are doing. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Ms. France referred us to Ms. Judy for Life Insurance. She was equally very helpful and professional. We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? Sorry, no please. Your Name Pradeep Nanjappa

Evgenii Veliliaev


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? I have previous experience in dealing with a mortgage broker, Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Quick turnaround and professionalism In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Propose better rates Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Notary, was very well Your Name Evgenii Veliliaev

Rechrech Larbi


Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? France Pennino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? J’ai déjà transigé avec ce courtier dans le passé, Référence d’un professionnel (avocat, comptable, notaire, syndic etc) Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? Rapide et efficace Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? Conserver l’historique client et demander seulement les nouveaux éléments Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Notaire, Conseiller en sécurité financière (assurance – placement) Pouvez-vous nous donner vos impressions sur le ou les partenaires qui vous ont été recommandés par votre courtier? Assurance habitation et notaire Nous aimerions recueillir votre témoignage quant à votre expérience avec votre courtier, afin de l'ajouter sur son site web, accepteriez-vous de partager avec nous votre sentiment en quelques lignes? Écoute et efficacité. Elle a réussi là où les autres ont échoué !!!! Votre nom? Rechrech Larbi



Good afternoon, Thanks a lot, doing very well, hope you are as well. Appreciate all your efforts, quick processing and great assistance during the whole event! Have a wonderful day! Evgenii.

Sebastien Périgny


Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? France Pennino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? J’ai déjà transigé avec ce courtier dans le passé, Référence d’un courtier immobilier Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? Efficacité de France Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? Contrôler les banques qui veulent vendre trop de services connexes. Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Conseiller en sécurité financière (assurance – placement) Pouvez-vous nous donner vos impressions sur le ou les partenaires qui vous ont été recommandés par votre courtier? Très bon Nous aimerions recueillir votre témoignage quant à votre expérience avec votre courtier, afin de l'ajouter sur son site web, accepteriez-vous de partager avec nous votre sentiment en quelques lignes? Une grande efficacité et trouve toujours le meilleur prix. Votre nom? Sébastien Périgny



Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Real estate agent reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Rapid Communication Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Your Name SK

Charles Burno


Your typeform Sondage PNP Anglais FPennino has a new response: Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Penino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Educated about products, pleasant to speak with and great service. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Don't think it's possible. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment France Penino went above and beyond. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No Your Name Charles Burno

Narcisse N.


Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? France Pennino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? J’ai déjà transigé avec ce courtier dans le passé, Référence d’un ami ou d'une connaissance Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Très bonne Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? Sa disponibilité et son professionnalisme Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? Ses qualités actuelles me suffisent Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Notaire, Courtier immobilier, Conseiller en sécurité financière (assurance – placement) Pouvez-vous nous donner vos impressions sur le ou les partenaires qui vous ont été recommandés par votre courtier? La courtière en assurance est bonne Nous aimerions recueillir votre témoignage quant à votre expérience avec votre courtier, afin de l'ajouter sur son site web, accepteriez-vous de partager avec nous votre sentiment en quelques lignes? J'ai été satisfait par la qualité de son service et sa disponibilité. Je la recommanderais volontier. Votre nom? Narcisse N.

Hamza Briak


Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? France Pennino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? Référence d’un ami ou d'une connaissance Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? France m'a soutenu et aider toute au long du processus. Elle m'a enlevé un gros stress grace à son professionnalisme Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? Rien, elle est superbe Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Conseiller en sécurité financière (assurance – placement) Pouvez-vous nous donner vos impressions sur le ou les partenaires qui vous ont été recommandés par votre courtier? J'ai trouvé un meilleur taux avec Desjardins assurance qu'avec le partenaire recommendé Nous aimerions recueillir votre témoignage quant à votre expérience avec votre courtier, afin de l'ajouter sur son site web, accepteriez-vous de partager avec nous votre sentiment en quelques lignes? France est la personne qu'il vous faut pour vos transactions. J'ai parlé avec plusieurs courtiers, mais jamais personne ne m'a soutenu autant que France. Pour une experience sans stress, c'est elle qu'il vous faut. Votre nom? Hamza Briak

Imene K


Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? Référence d’un ami ou d'une connaissance Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? Sa gentillesse et son professionnalisme Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Notaire Nous aimerions recueillir votre témoignage quant à votre expérience avec votre courtier, afin de l'ajouter sur son site web, accepteriez-vous de partager avec nous votre sentiment en quelques lignes? France est excellente! Je la recommande sans hésiter! Elle sait ce qu’elle fait, compétente et professionnelle! Votre nom? Imene K

Andrei Pinzaru


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Clear and and straight to the point, very friendly Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? N/A Your Name Andrei Pinzaru

Anthony L


Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? Panino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? Référence d’un ami ou d'une connaissance Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? Disponibilité écoute efficacité professionnalisme Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? Ne changez rien !! Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Conseiller en sécurité financière (assurance – placement) Pouvez-vous nous donner vos impressions sur le ou les partenaires qui vous ont été recommandés par votre courtier? Me contacter Nous aimerions recueillir votre témoignage quant à votre expérience avec votre courtier, afin de l'ajouter sur son site web, accepteriez-vous de partager avec nous votre sentiment en quelques lignes? Un réel plaisir merci beaucoup, la perfection!!! Votre nom? Anthony L

Véronique Giroux


Bonjour, Ce fût très agréable de travailler avec Planipret. Je suis reconnaissante de votre engagement et de votre soutien tout au long de ma démarche. Plus particulièrement, je souhaite remercier France pour sa patience et sa persévérance. Grâce à vous, j'ai accédé à l'achat d'une propriété qui correspond à mes besoins et mon budget. Je recommandrais vos services aux membres de ma famille et à mes amis sans hésiter. Au plaisir, Véronique Giroux

Sejal Rana


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? I have previous experience in dealing with a mortgage broker Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Very professional. she kept me updated with every step of the process. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Thank you. It was a good experience. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? Yes Your Name Sejal Rana

A Jordanoff


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Real estate agent reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Speediness, Initiative In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? It's already excellent Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? N/A We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? Great service, advantageous loan conditions. Your Name A. Jordanoff

Lucas Pascale-Pallotta


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? I knew France was looking out for me and doing her best for me. I felt appreciated and supported as to what was in my best interest. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? I am unsure. I would have a few questions before i can give any solid advice on how to improve. Personally i think France did a wonderful job. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? unsure ( notary was referred but i am unsure if it was referred by you or by you to my mom which in turn to me. ) We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? France Pennino does her best to find what is in your best interest. Would happily refer her to my family and friends. Your Name Lucas Pascale-Pallotta

Andrei Pinzaru


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Social media (specify) Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Great capacity to explain details Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? N/A Your Name Andrei Pinzaru

Mary Dianne Llanto Brillantes


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) Franche pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Fast and transparent transaction Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? We are first time homebuyer and france provided us with a lot of credible information to be able to buy our dream home. She is a very smart and efficient mortgage broker and I highly recommend her service to my friends and family. Your Name Mary Dianne Llanto Brillantes

Celine Lachance


Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? France Pennino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? Référence d’un ami ou d'une connaissance Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? L’attitude de relation d’aide et le professionnalisme Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? J’ai reçu la meilleure expérience possible selon moi Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Conseiller en sécurité financière (assurance – placement), Inspecteur Pouvez-vous nous donner vos impressions sur le ou les partenaires qui vous ont été recommandés par votre courtier? J’ai reçu un très bon service Nous aimerions recueillir votre témoignage quant à votre expérience avec votre courtier, afin de l'ajouter sur son site web, accepteriez-vous de partager avec nous votre sentiment en quelques lignes? Mme France Pennino m’a offert un service exceptionnel ainsi qu’une expérience axée sur l’écoute et la relation d’aide. Elle m’a mise en confiance en travaillant sur des délais très courts et avec des résultats plus que satisfaisants. Je la recommande sans hésiter car sa façon de travailler fait toute la différence du monde. C’est une personne extraordinaire! Votre nom? Céline Lachance

Giovanna Cespedes


Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? France Pennino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? Référence d’un ami ou d'une connaissance, Référence d’un courtier immobilier, Référence d’un conseiller en sécurité financière (assurance – placement), Médias sociaux Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? Tres professionnelle Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? Rester le pkus humaine Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Notaire, Conseiller en sécurité financière (assurance – placement), Évaluateur, Inspecteur Pouvez-vous nous donner vos impressions sur le ou les partenaires qui vous ont été recommandés par votre courtier? Excellent Nous aimerions recueillir votre témoignage quant à votre expérience avec votre courtier, afin de l'ajouter sur son site web, accepteriez-vous de partager avec nous votre sentiment en quelques lignes? Tres professionnelle et a lecoute de sa clientèle Votre nom? Giovana cespedes

Carmie Santacroce


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? I have previous experience in dealing with a mortgage broker Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? The clear and concise information her knowledge of the market is amazing In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Sharing of documents Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment I would recommend France to anyone looking for a a broker she is amazing Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? France is amazing and so knowledgeable. Dealing with her was worry free. Thank you for your service Your Name carmie santacroce

Katherine Snow


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Other_ My sister Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? France was helpful, encouraging, thoughtful and she was tireless. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? I think I received excellent service. I would hope it would continue for the next time. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment I was very pleased with the service I received from France. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? no the Notary was not recommended by your company but France was very familiar with him and his office. We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? I received excellent service from France. I would recommend calling her whenever anyone needs help in negociating a mortgage. Your Name Katherine Snow

Dean Di Monte


Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Availability of broker beyond office hours. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? no We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? no thank you Your Name DEAN DI MONTE

Stephanie Lapointe


Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? France Pennino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? Référence d’un ami ou d'une connaissance Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? ses conseils et sa grande disponibilité Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? absolument rien !!! Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Non, pas de recommandation Votre nom? Stéphanie Lapointe

Céline Meunier


Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? Melanie Pépin et France Pennino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? J’ai déjà transigé avec ce courtier dans le passé Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? Rapidité et professionalisme Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? Tout était parfait Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Conseiller en sécurité financière (assurance – placement) Pouvez-vous nous donner vos impressions sur le ou les partenaires qui vous ont été recommandés par votre courtier? Tres professionnel Votre nom? Christine meunier

Ryan C


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Personal service. Positive attitude. Always helpful and available. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Service was excellent! Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? France went above and beyond for us. My wife and I now live in our dream home and she helped make it happen! Your Name Ryan C

Stefanie Butt


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? France was always on top of our file and went above and beyond to ensure that we were always aware of the status of our file In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? n/a Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment France's service was excellent, she really helped us and made the very stressful experience of home purchase during the pandemic (and housing crunch) that much smoother and more navigable. Having someone communicate directly with the bank on our behalf saved us time and frustrations. Thank you again for all your hard work and for helping us secure our home! Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? n/a We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? yes Your Name Stefanie Butt



Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Real estate agent reference, Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Financial stabiltiy solutions with someone who really cared and spent the time to display every option In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? It was excellent Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Your Name Sergio

Stephanie Schami


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? France's professional yet personable approach In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Nothing to improve. Communication was excellent with France. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Nothing more to add - It was our great pleasure to work with France! Thank you! Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Yes, insurance broker. However, we did not end up using his services (he was more for commercial insurance). We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? Working with France Pennino at Planipret was a genuine pleasure. She is professional and very personable. She understood our needs and explained the products well to us, and remained easily accessible to answer any questions we had, despite the very busy period we were working in. Thank you, France! Your Name Stephanie Schami

Robert Doucet


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? quick responses, friendly In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? more clarity regarding required documents Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Your Name robert doucet

Ruma Chowdhury


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Panino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? She is very friendly and tried to help us every possible way.we will never forget her. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? What we find ,everything was very good so far Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment We wish her all best.Se is amazing. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Not yet We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? You can Your Name Ruma Chowdhury Bhowmik

Ramkrisna Bhowmik


How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? She is very very helpful. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Keep on doing the same way which i found very impressive. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment I wish her every success. We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? Yes Your Name Ramkrishna Bhowmik

Catherine Bagunu


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? I have previous experience in dealing with a mortgage broker Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Very hands on my mortgage application. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Nothing We had excellent service from her. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? no We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? no Your Name Catherine Bagunu

Reygie Albay


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Real estate agent reference, I have previous experience in dealing with a mortgage broker Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? The way she treat her customer is excellent In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Nothing we had the best service experience Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? Yes Your Name Reygie Albay

Tohideh Mollabashi


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Social media (specify) Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Presence, results, competent Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment France is excellent! Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? No Your Name Tohideh Mollabashi

Mariam Punayan


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Detail-oriented always delivers In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Nothing…keep up the good work Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment It was an excellent experience working with France. She was always at the top of her game. I always feel comfortable talking and asking questions to her. Definitely refer her to family, friends and colleagues. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Yes, but we already have someone in mind. We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website? would you agree to include one below? Yes Your Name Mariam

Anthony Pagliaro


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s): France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Great Guidance In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Nothing to Improve from France Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment She is extremely nice and helpful.

Nadira Azzoug


• Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? France Pennino • Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? Référence d’un courtier immobilier •Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente • Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? Rapidité, efficacité •Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? Rien à changer. Tout est beau • Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui • Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui •Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Conseiller en sécurité financière (assurance – placement) • Pouvez-vous nous donner vos impressions sur le ou les partenaires qui vous ont été recommandés par votre courtier? Je n'ai pas eu le temps de les contacter •Nous aimerions recueillir votre témoignage quant à votre expérience avec votre courtier, afin de l'ajouter sur son site web, accepteriez-vous de partager avec nous votre sentiment en quelques lignes? Excellent



Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference, Financial security adviser (insurance – investment) reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Kindness In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Continue with the follow ups Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Very excellent service with France Pennino, takes her time to explain things to you and make sure you are being cared for in a way that she tailors her service to your need Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Notary, very professional We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? I really enjoyed working with France Pennino when I was getting my mortgage for our house. She is kind, patient, very respectful and professional. She embodies true collaboration with me during the process of getting a mortgage and tailored services to my needs. I will absolutely use her services again and recommend her to everyone I know.THANK YOU. Your Name Agyeman

Maria M


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Financial security adviser (insurance – investment) reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Her professionalism In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? She was truly amazing Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment This is by far the best broker i have worked with, she is available, honest and professional. I felt that she cared about my file and was getting me the best deal possible. My file was complicated, because the first deal felt through (the sellers decided they didn't want to sell anymore) so I called and emailed Miss Pennino many times and each time she replied immediately with care. At the end she got us a great mortgage rated. I don't think we could have gotten our mortgage if she wasn't good at what she does. I will recommend her to anyone that will need and i will definitely use her services in the future. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Yes, Real Estate Agent We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? Miss France Pennino is the best Mortgage broker i have worked with. She was professional and will make you feel as if your file is her only one. She will get you approved with best rate. Your Name Maria M.

Sabrina Morelli


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Professional reference (lawyer, accountant, notary, management agent, etc.) Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Customer Service, efficient In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? N/A had a great experience Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Notary We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? France saved my Purchase. Found me a Bank that helped with my needs and made sure to help me get through the whole experience. She not only made it easy but made sure to be available whenever I needed her. A pleasure to work with, will definitely refer to friends and family. Your Name Sabrina Morelli



Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Professional reference (lawyer, accountant, notary, management agent, etc.) Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Service, efficiency Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Notary Your Name Sabrina

Dexter Dalida


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Good service In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Service is good Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Very approachable broker Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? No Your Name Dexter Dalida

James Melrose


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Financial security adviser (insurance – investment) reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? She spoke directly to the point. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? none Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? no We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? no Your Name James Melrose

Anna Maria D'Iorio


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) Francine Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Financial security adviser (insurance – investment) reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Getting a fantastic mortgage rate of course!! In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? In my opinion service was excellent! Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Great service and couldn't ask for better Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? If I would need a mortgage broker in the future Francine Pennino would definitely get a call from me! Your Name Anna Maria D'Iorio

Henry Kwasi Appiah


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Financial security adviser (insurance – investment) reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Her patient, truthfulness, and on time delivery of answers In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? With me it's okay. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment France is a mother by nature. She understands your situation and will do all her best to get you the best that suits you. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Yes you recommended a notary but we didn't work with that. We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? France Pennino is by my view one of best mortgage broker. She will really give you the best rate. I will recommend her. Your Name Henry Kwasi Appiah

Jonathan et Samantha


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Real estate agent reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Her patience and attention to detail In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? France is perfect Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment France, thank you so much for helping Samantha and I seemlessly complete the purchase of our first home. Your calmness truly made us feel as home and that we were making the right decision. We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? Yes Your Name Jonathan and Samantha

James Melrose


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Financial security adviser (insurance – investment) reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? no We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? no Your Name James Melrose

Anna Maria D'Iorio


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) Francine Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Financial security adviser (insurance – investment) reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Her dedication towards making sure we were happy In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? For us our needs were truly fulfilled! Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment We had a great experience with Francine and could not ask for any better! Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? Francine truly dedicated herself to find us the best rate possible!! We couldn"t ask for any better! Your Name Anna Maria D"Iorio

Marilou Dela Cruz


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Real estate agent reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Being supportive and approachable In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? For me perfect. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Thank you so much for being supportive in any ways. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Yes..but didn't try yet Your Name Marilou Dela Cruz

Tatiana Grandoi


Quel est le nom de votre courtier hypothécaire ou vos courtiers hypothécaires? France Pennino Comment avez-vous entendu parler de votre courtier et/ou Planiprêt? Référence d’un courtier immobilier Dans l'ensemble, comment qualifieriez-vous votre expérience de transaction? Excellente Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié de votre expérience? Sa patience, et les nombreux conseils qu'elle fourni. Un véritable service personalisé Quels seraient les éléments que votre courtier pourrait améliorer afin de pouvoir vous faire vivre une meilleure expérience la prochaine fois ? rien Referiez-vous affaire avec Planiprêt lors d'une prochaine transaction hypothécaire (ex: achat, refinancement, consolidation de dettes, renouvellement, rénovations, investissement)? Oui Recommanderiez-vous les services de votre courtier ou un membre de son équipe à vos amis ou vos proches? Oui Votre courtier vous a-t-il recommandé les services d'un des partenaires suivants? Conseiller en sécurité financière (assurance – placement) Pouvez-vous nous donner vos impressions sur le ou les partenaires qui vous ont été recommandés par votre courtier? Elle a les compétences mais manque d'organisation au niveau des suivis et des prochaines étapes Nous aimerions recueillir votre témoignage quant à votre expérience avec votre courtier, afin de l'ajouter sur son site web, accepteriez-vous de partager avec nous votre sentiment en quelques lignes? Notre expérience avec France à été agréable. Elle nous a accompagné tout au long du processus et a su nous guider vers un choix éclairé, ceci en nous présentant les différentes options disponibles ainsi que les avantages et inconvénients de chacune. Elle était toujours disponible et prête à répondre toutes nos interrogations; une véritable expérience personnalisée! Votre nom? Tatiana Grandoi

Caroline Seraidarian


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Penino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Her professionalism as well as going above and beyond her duties In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? nothing needs to change about Frances' service Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? yes Your Name Caroline Seraidarian

No name


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? She is knowledgeable, efficient and very accommodating. Very professional! In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? My broker, France Pennino was very professional in her undertaking my file! Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment The experience was very pleasant unlike one I had with my previous broker (Dominion) who was interested in the end result of making a buck. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? yes We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? Sure Your Name No Name

Perry Loyello


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Very Thorough In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? France did a most excellent job Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment I have referred France many times and will continue to do so! Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? FCT We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? France took the time to ask us what our needs and objectives were. She diligently reviewed the best options and brought us through the process! Wonderful service, Thank You! Your Name Perry Loyello

Paul and Nola Gibbons


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Financial security adviser (insurance – investment) reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Her friendliness, knowledge and willingness to answer our questions In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Service was excellent Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment We enjoyed our experience with France. Your Name Paul and Nola Gibbons

Ghada Hajassad


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Real estate agent reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? She aimed for my needs and kept on posted regarding the best rates. She's knowledgeable with very professional communication skills. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? She should be given more incentives to give cashback Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Besides her excellent services, she so nice and friendly to deal with. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? yes. very good insurance broker and financial planner We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? France was timely, knowledgeable and very professional in her communications. She aims for her clients' needs. During my experience with her for my mortgage, she really went beyond and above. I definitely recommend dealing with France. Thank you. Your Name Ghada Hajassad

Ghada Hajassad


France was timely, knowledgeable and very professional in her communications. She aims for her clients' needs. During my experience with her for my mortgage, she really went beyond and above. I definitely recommend dealing with France. Thank you Ghada

Gaspare Borsellino


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Her perseverance and keeping me informed In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? In no way. She was excellent. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment I really felt supported Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? France Pennino took the time to support me throughout the mortgage process. I highly recommend her services. Your Name Gaspare Borsellino

Francis Nemiy


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Great In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Everything was excellent Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Excellent was great Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Yes Your Name Francis Bemiy

Ian Liversuc


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Financial security adviser (insurance – investment) reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Willing to answer any question I had, no matter how trivial. In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? The service I received was excellent. I don't know how it could be improved. Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment I feel that I was well guided through the process Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? no Your Name Ian Liversuch

Anthony Pagliaro


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Always available, hard working In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? absolutely nothing, everything was perfect Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Your Name Anthony Pagliaro

client satisfait


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? I have previous experience in dealing with a mortgage broker Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Her knowledge In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Nothing Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No



Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Penino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Financial security adviser (insurance – investment) reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? expertise/knowledge In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? n/a Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? yes, inspector and notary- all went very well We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? Great service and experience Your Name DS

Angela Leone


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) france pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? great customer service Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Your Name angela leone

Daniela Bellini


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Very helpful and pleasure to speak with In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Nothing Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Best experience ever getting a mortgage Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Soran Mazochi from Desjardins bank. Great service from him as well

Marc Katumpa


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference, I have previous experience in dealing with a mortgage broker, Real estate agent reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Her efficiency In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Her service is already excellent Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment She made the entire experience seamless Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? Yes Your Name Marc Katumpa

Daniela Bellini


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Friend or colleague reference Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Very knowledgeable and efficient In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Nothing Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment I will definitely refer agent to other members since my experience went smooth Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? Yes, financial planner from Desjardins and once again great experience We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? No comment Your Name Daniela Brllini

Tony G


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France Pennino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? Other_ Construction Company Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Clear instructions for gathering doc's needed In what way(s) can we improve, in order to offer you an ‘Excellent’ service the next time? Nothing to improve Would you continue to work with Planiprêt Mortgages for your next transaction (Purchase, ReFinance, Transfer, DebtConsolidation)? Yes Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Please comment Great experience. Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? France turned the whole experience of finding a low-cost mortgage into a really easy task. One phone call is all it took! Your Name Tony G.

Tracy Element


We enjoy having our customer testimonials on his / her Mortgage Broker's website; would you agree to include one below? We worked with Mrs,France Pennino, who was absolutely caring, guiding us throughout the whole process.we highly recommend her services.she was a pleasure to work with. Kept us informed about everything and is very professional.

Kofi Sintim


Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? ExcellentWhat did you enjoy the most about your experience? Clear and concise communication and good knowledge of the products

Stephen Wark


The experience was uniformly positive, and superior to my experience dealing directly with bank managers. I would definitely retain Ms. Pennino's services again.Our mortgage broker anticipated and answered all our questions and concerns about our home refinancing.

Stephen Park


The experience was uniformly positive, and superior to my experience dealing directly with bank managers. I would definitely retain Ms. Pennino's services again Our mortgage broker anticipated and answered all our questions and concerns about our home refinancing.



France was amazing. She went above and beyond to make sure we got everything we needed. I highly recommend France.

Margot Alnwick


France was excellent with me. She explained all my options simply so I could make an educated decision.

Anahit Ghukasyan


Name(s) of your mortgage broker(s) France penino How did you hear about your mortgage broker and/or Planiprêt ? I have previous experience in dealing with a mortgage broker Throughout the entirety of the transaction, how do you rate the service you received? Excellent What did you enjoy the most about your experience? Profesional friendly knowledgable Would you recommend your Mortgage Broker services to your family, friends and colleagues? Yes Did we refer another professional to you (Notary, Inspector, Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Financial Planner)? If yes, could you please comment on the quality of their services? No


2025-01-30 00:00:00

6 months Fixed 7.85% 7.50%
1 Year Fixed 7.74% 5.84%
2 Years Fixed 7.34% 4.49%
3 Years Fixed 6.94% 4.34%
3 year closed Variable 6.60% 5.20%
4 Years Fixed 6.74% 4.24%
5 Years Fixed 6.79% 4.19%
5 years Variable 6.45% 4.25%
Refinance Fixed or variable 8.40% 4.44%
7 Years Fixed 7.10% 4.49%
10 Years Fixed 7.25% 5.09%
HELOC 6.20% 5.70%

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